Friday, March 30, 2007


“Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out...”
~ Alanis Morissette

You know that the month has gone off the “bizarre” chart when the following things happen:

  • Rain starts falling at the beginning of summer.
  • You find yourself running a training course for corporate clients on the week in which you're supposed to be starting your work as a trainer of disadvantaged youth in south of nowhere.
  • Incidences of fire break out left and right on Fire Prevention Month.
  • You finally receive official word about the issuance of your work permit for Zambia and, on the same day, are told that there’s a strong possibility that your placement will be cancelled due to controversies that your employer got involved in.
  • You find yourself watching a tame version of The L Word during its debut on Philippine TV. (I never thought I’d ever use “tame” and “The L Word” in the same sentence.:D)
  • A daycare center operator holds hostage a busload of little children in order to ensure a brighter future for them.
Really now, who would have figures.:)


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Celebr8ing Womynhood

On the 1st day of January 2007, I almost did not get to celebrate New Year because I was more of “in the middle” rather than “at the beginning” of something then (i.e., completing a project, preparing for Zambia, et al).

On the 14th of February, I did not celebrate Valentine’s Day just ‘coz I never really could relate to the whole idea of it.;)

But I could not let today, the 8th of March, go by just like I let all the other supposed red-letter days pass me by. After all, as I’ve said before, Womyn’s Day, to me, is more relevant, more meaningful, and more personal than some way-too commercialized “special occasions” ever will be. Heck, I even wore purple today.:D

At the end of the day, however, this occasion is not just about wearing the representative color for women's advancement or spelling the word womon/womyn the politically correct way. Rather, it is about commemorating THESE :

Video by Natada

Celebrating the values of justice and self-respect. Celebrating empowerment. Celebrating life. Celebrating oneself.

That is what it’s all about.

Happy International Womyn's Day!

